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Hands Together


Derbyshire DA are a relatively young committee, that are innovative, bold and not afraid to try new things to make camping with us a great experience for its members, at the same time making it as efficient as possible for the committee given pressures and constraints in life. 


It's that time of the year where we need to recruit volunteers to join our committee to enable the DA to continue to grow from strength to strength. We have our AGM coming up and we have some roles that becoming available that need to be filled.


As i'm sure you can appreciate that all the great ideas for sites, communication, booking, entertainment, where to invest etc, don't just come from thin air, they come from members like you that would like to give something back in a rewarding way. A committee, its ideas and enthuiasium to do more for its members are only as good as the members that make it up!

Have a read at the descriptions below from our retiring/changing role committee members to find out more.

Working Cafe

Honorary Secretary

Derbyshire DA are looking for a new committee member to take over the Honorary Secretary duties from the 2022 AGM in March. The primary duties involve:



  • In consultation with the Chairman and other officers prepare meeting agendas, produce and issue the minutes.

  • Maintain a correspondence log and circulate incoming correspondence to the relevant committee members for information/action.  The majority of correspondence is via the Secretaries DA Email account which is then either forwarded, archived or put on the agenda for the next committee meeting. 

Some computer skills are required to operate the Secretary Email account and a word processor to produce the agenda and meeting minutes. Examples of documents, details of all the voluntary officers duties along with guidelines for the day to day running of a District Association are contained in the Voluntary Officers Manual [see section 3].

Very few documents are prepared from scratch as most things have been done before and and they can be used as a copy and paste template.  Julie our retiring secretary will provide a detailed handover and our NCR Secretary is always there to help especially if anything unusual crops up.  If interested or require more info please contact Julie via email at:

Image by Blake Wisz

Sites Officer

Derbyshire DA are looking for a new committee member to take over the Sites Officer duties from the 2022 AGM in March. The sites officers are responsible for producing a camping programme so that all club members know about meets and temporary holiday sites held. We're always looking for new or returning sites from our experienced campers. If you are experienced/have knowledge of sites and locations or are keen to know more and canvass opinion, this could be perfect for you. We need someone who is good at communicating, planning and is well organised.

If interested or require more info please contact Brett via email at

The primary duties involve:

  • Listening to the members and committee with respect to site feedback

  • Arranging sites for our featured/weekend meets

  • Booking and arranging payment terms with land owners

  • Updating the club database and providing input to the webmaster

  • Creation and maintenance of our sites list

  • Liaising with the National Parks Officer within the advanced timeframe required

Image by Dino Reichmuth

Appointed Officer to Region Council

Derbyshire DA are looking for a new committee member to take over the representative/officer to the region council role. If interested or require more info please contact Brian via email at

The primary duties involve:

  • Travelling to the region council meetings at least 4 times a year (travel expenses paid) and attending the region AGM

  • Receiving new ideas and information to take back to the DA committee for consideration

  • Taking new ideas and information to the Region Council committee for consideration and asking questions for clarity

  • Requesting help and support from the National Council on new initiatives

Image by Hannah Busing

Committee Member

Derbyshire DA are looking for a new committee member to join as a general committee member to help strengthen the team we have with new/existing ideas and opinions. It would be great if those committee members help with tasks, organising things, leading initiatives or taking on a role/position that plays to your strength. If interested or require more info please contact the DA via email at

The primary duties involve:

  • Joining as many committee meetings as you can to help us make the right decisons and choices

  • Communicating with members to understand their needs

  • Using social media to capture and communicate what they DA is up to

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